News & Events

News & Events

What’s new in Azure Data, AI, and Digital Applications: Are you ready to go from GenAI experimentation to solutions at scale?

The AI era is here — and moving at warp speed rerouting technology roadmaps and dramatically accelerating transformation...

News & Events

Copilot in Teams: Discern Opinions Quickly

Watch this brief video for a demonstration of Copilot in Teams capability to discern and summarize quickly and concisely...

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Analytics Lessons Learned: How five companies increased data value with unified analytics solutions

Even when well along on the journey to digital transformation, many organizations are still unable to extract timely and...

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Microsoft Defender Experts for XDR

If your cybersecurity team or SOC is overwhelmed, you should know about Microsoft’s Defender Experts for XDR, a se...

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INSPIRE Environmental uses Azure AI to improve efficiency and streamline data analysis to meet the pace of offshore wind development

INSPIRE Environmental (INSPIRE), is a Venterra Group company dedicated to monitoring seafloor health. Labor-intensive da...

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Del Monte Foods improves system uptime by 99.99%, saves 57% on infrastructure, and reduces security risk by 50%

When leadership at Del Monte Foods Inc. saw that their existing cloud infrastructure was leading to higher maintenance c...

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Copilot in Teams: Ask Better Questions

When it’s time to kickstart your brain cells into action, turn on Copilot for a list of insightful questions to as...

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Microsoft Copilot for Security provides immediate impact for the Microsoft Defender Experts team | Microsoft Security Blog

Microsoft’s Copilot AI assistant offers great opportunities for helping SOCs and other security professionals in t...

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Belfius uses Microsoft Azure Machine Learning to help detect fraud and money laundering

When Belfius, a prominent Belgian bank, started using AI and Machine Learning in operations, they struggled to synergize...

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Top 3 tips for using Microsoft Copilot in Teams

Watch this tutorial to learn how Microsoft Copilot in Teams can help catch you up when you’re running late, inspir...