This three-minute video outlines a day in the life of a retail associate using Microsoft 365 to make his job easier. Thi...
Déployez rapidement des bureaux virtuels et des applications pour permettre un travail à distance sécurisé. Microsoft co...
Microsoft 365 guards your data as a valuable asset. With security built-in, not bolted on, integration and deployment ar...
Optimisez votre expérience dans le cloud tout en réduisant les coûts pour les postes de travail et applications Windows ...
The IoT is changing today’s organizations into digital businesses. It’s also creating innovative business mo...
“A modern workplace allows people to do their best work anywhere, anyplace, anytime,” says Susan Doniz, Qant...
With data growing increasingly valuable and harder to protect, Microsoft provides security solutions across identity and...
Cette présentation du guide de vente a pour but de vous indiquer de quelle manière vos clients peuvent maximiser les ava...
Every role within an organization needs specific tools and data to do their job as best they can. This task is more comp...
Firstline Workers form the backbone of many of the world’s largest industries. Organizations that empower their Fi...